New vision guides long-term change in Victoria Park neighbourhood
The Victoria Park Neighbourhood Association (VPNA) is the first group in the city to create a Neighbourhood Action Plan (NAP). A Neighbourhood Action Plan is a written document that identifies a long-term vision for the future of a neighbourhood, with achievable actions to make that vision a reality.
According to VPNA president, Melissa Bowman, the NAP had two major goals for their group:
1) to help identify priorities and concerns in the neighbourhood; and
2) to identify ways in which those priorities can be addressed.
The VPNA started the process by making a subcommittee to spearhead the effort. They asked themselves, “how do we engage residents in our neighbourhood?”
The answer to the question was multi-faceted. The board members had informal conversations with as many neighbours as they could. They tied in what they learned from these conversations with data from an online survey and a paper survey.
Using this input, they developed a vision for their neighbourhood: The Victoria Park neighbourhood is an inviting community that connects people through history, culture, and nature.
They also identified five priorities that came up consistently:
- Install and maintain a neighbourhood community information board
- Install historical storyboards and/or signage
- Partner with the city on its urban forestry initiatives
- Install a painted crosswalk on West Ave. (near Homewood Ave.)
- Expand and enhance the VPNA Food Forest
Next, they threw a party featuring free ice cream and games at the Henry Sturm Greenway, off the Iron Horse Trail, and asked people to vote for their top priorities.
You can read their full Neighbourhood Action Plan on their website. Melissa advises those considering a NAP for their neighbourhood to reach out to their neighbourhood liaison and to the Neighbourhood Development Office at the city for advice on how to get started.
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